Mexi-Style with Anjelica (@la_anjel)
So the other day we were at Party City picking up a few things when I noticed this wreath on sale for $7. It was nice and all, but at that price I figured I could make something myself… or at least try anyway. I already had most of the supplies at home.

So off I went, putting my own twist on this interesting design. I’m not sure if Party City’s version was supposed to be a door decoration or not… but my version would be.

First, I drew my lips on a piece of cardboard and cut them out. As you can see in the picture, I then painted the lips and added some glitter to make them sparkle.

I bought the black and red fabric nets at 77 cents a yard, two each, for a total price of $3.08. The ribbon was also a steal at $1 per spool – $3 total!

I basically wrapped the fabric net one color at a time around the metal frame. The frame itself cost me only 66 cents at a local thrift store.
Then I added the ribbon at different intervals.

It took me a couple hours one evening to put this fun project together. The only problem, as soon as it was done, one of my sisters noticed it at the house and immediately wanted it. I think it’s hanging on her front door now.

As always please reuse, repurpose, thrift, consign and all that other good stuff.