It’s not like me to get star struck very often. Save for the exception of La Lopez – yes Jenny from the Block – there really aren’t that many people who I’ve always wanted to meet. In a way, having worked in the field of journalism and PR for so long has made me kind of indifferent to the idea of celebrity. Still, this week, when local YouTube sensation SecretLifeOfaBioNerd confirmed her participation in a special blogger outreach I was putting together, I couldn’t help but get excited. As the day of our face to face meeting drew closer my excitement was growing stronger and stronger!
“Nombre, I’m going to meet SecretLifeOfaBioNerd. Can you believe it?” I told Anjelica. She was profoundly jealous, but very happy for me at the same time.

Lo loco is that besides me and Anjelica and a couple dozens of thousands of others around the world who watch YouTube religiously, probably not that many people know who SecretLifeOfaBioNerd is. In more than a couple of conversations throughout the week I had to explain what a “Celebrity YouTuber” actually does.

In case you’re reading this and wondering too, a YouTube Celeb is someone who makes and upload videos on a regular basis, has legions of viewers and thousands of hits on every single one of their videos. This young lady definitely fits the bill. Anjelica first discovered her videos on YouTube a while ago. Después she reeled me in (jajaja) by telling me she was a local YouTube Celeb.

After that we started watching some of her videos together. Usually we’d be in bed. Anjelica would start watching videos on her phone and next thing you know she’d invite me to watch one with her. Not that it took too much convincing. I’m so impressed by people who have become so “famous” on YouTube. ¡Qué chingones!
Anyway, SecretLifeOfaBioNerd showed up, we met, and it was awesome! We were promoting a local fashion and style event and that being her forte on YouTube it was only natural to extend an invitation.
Ahora for the real chisme, jajaja!! Nombre, there really isn’t any dirt. SecretLifeOfaBioNerd was so sweet and humble in person that it was a little uncanny. We spent a good couple hours shopping and then hung out over coffee and burgers. ¡Mira, Mira, Bien Pipirisnais El Juan! Very cool indeed! And her new video, despite my shoddy camera work and obtrusive laughter, is really quite the masterpiece:
Gracias, SLOABN!!
2 thoughts on “Meeting YouTube Celeb SecretLifeOfaBioNerd”
I haven’t watched her before, but she is adorable and intelligent and personable. How fun!
She was definitely a pleasure to hang out with 🙂