Who knew thrift store shopping was good for the environment?! Alright… so maybe it isn’t that odd when you think about it, but until the new health website HellaWella pointed it out to me recently, I just had never thought about it that way. I mean, we’ve always gone to the segunda in our household to look for knick knacks and great deals… we just didn’t know we were participating in what HellaWella calls “the latest trend in sustainability – saving the environment by thrift store shopping.”
¡Fíjense! ¿Cómo les quedo el ojo?
At this rate, we’ll be chuntaro hipsters in no time, LOL! No, but seriously, according to the Association of Resale Professionals, the number of thrift and consignment stores has increased by 7 percent over the past two years. These folks say about 16 to 18 percent of Americans shop at thrift stores every year. Another 12 to 15 percent shop at consignment stores (consignment stores are a little pricier, but the quality of stuff you’ll find is also much nicer). The main reason for doing so? Nombre, pues el bolsillo. It’s just cheaper to buy gently used items instead of brand new products.
Inspired by this new data, we hit our local segunda!

One thing about thrift store shopping: you have to pack your patience. You can find just about anything, but you will have to do some digging.

This time we visited the very appropriately named Family Thrift Store, which always has a wide selection of current and vintage clothing. Edgar doesn’t care much for either. He just wants to play as you can see here.

Anjelica, on the other hand, is quite the savvy thrift store shopper. She can spot a deal from a mile away and won’t ever pay more than what she thinks is fair for the quality of the item.

I usually just browse and look for the $60 department store shirts for less than $10. Lo tacaño comes out and is really quite useful at the segunda.

Believe it or not, thrift stores have quite the book selection.

This little decorative piece is just an example of the random things people donate to resale shops. We’re still hoping sooner or later we will land a one of a kind antique that will earn us a big payday on the Antiques Roadshow!

Knick Knacks like these are huge! Some of the stuff, though, you have to seriously try and figure out what it is for.

Crazy little finds like this dress shirt are always fun. Edgar and Anjelica don’t really get my sense of fashion sometimes, jajaja!

And you know the huercos always want a toy! “Here you go! Take your pick!” These toys are way cheaper than department store toys y pa’ lo que les dura… it’s well worth the investment.

I found this incredibly cool watermelon clipboard! Tell me it isn’t the most wonderful clipboard ever?! That bunny in Anjelica’s arms is a little freaky. Al final, we just gawked at these two items for a while and then left them behind for more inspired shoppers to purchase.

I wish we could pay that little for brand new items! And oh yes, the other good thing about thrift stores is that on select days of the week they’ll mark everything down or even let you purchase any clothing items for a set price like $2 or $3.
You just can’t beat that!
But back to the green value of thrift store shopping. ABC News estimates that 98% of the clothing purchased in the U.S. comes from abroad. That basically means, according to their report, that a sweater hanging on the rack at a department store traveled thousands of miles, using up energy and polluting the planet with coal and natural gas along its way to the store and ultimately an American closet.
Thrift store items, in comparison, produce a significantly smaller carbon footprint. So the next time you see a segunda and you feel like dropping in, go ahead and do so! Remember… you’re helping the environment!
Ay carajo… now Anjelica is going to use that excuse too!
16 thoughts on “Thrift Store Shopping is “Good” For the Environment”
My sister goes on a route to find things and then she sells them in eBay. She does very well. You just have to know what to look for.
When you know what you’re looking for, it can definitely be a good business. I would say we’re more amateurs ourselves 🙂
Antiques are usually objects which show some degree of craftsmanship, or a certain attention to design such as a desk or an early automobile. They are most often bought at antique shops, or passed down as an estate. Some valuable antiques can be bought from antique dealers and auction services or purchased online through websites and online auctions. Antique dealers are often members of national trade associations, many of which belong to CINOA, a confederation of art and antique associations across 21 countries, representing 5000 dealers.^
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