Paisa Discount?

You know those people who just can’t seem to help themselves? They’re always looking for a deal, no matter where they go. Chances are you’ll often find them at the clearance section of Target, JCPenney, or any other major department store. They can’t make a purchase without first wondering if they could find it cheaper somewhere else… and most of the time visiting several stores before coming right back to the one store they started at, only after having confirmed they are really getting the best deal. Or in the case of Los Metiches, making their kid ice skate around and around the ice rink at The Galleria until they are satisfied they have gotten the full worth out of their $15 entrance fee.

Pos sí. That kind of happened this weekend. Juan was even adamant that he should have gotten the “paisa discount” when he went to go buy a bottle of water in Spanish. I know. Ta bien loco… but don’t take my word for it, watch the video, and tell us, are you tacañ0 or tacaña too?

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