A time for new beginnings! For drastic changes, for major decisions, for winds of change, or storms in some cases, and many other life-altering cliches…but really, what makes the beginning of a New Year anymore special for committing to doing something different than any other time of the year!?
Than say a birthday perhaps? It is after all a more accurate measure of our actual time here on this earth. Granted, there is much more hype to announce in unison with the rest of the world what we will resolve to change in the New Year: whether it’s losing weight, making more money, spending more time with family, quitting smoking, drinking less, partying more, or less, even having a spicier sex life, our wish lists of what we’d like to achieve over the course of the next 12 months can and will include anything and everything our hearts and minds can fantasize about.
And while that’s fine, my humble argument is for the seizing of that end of year momentum throughout the rest of the year. So that when we feel it’s time to make another change – regardless of what month of the year it might be – we can take on that challenge as our own individual New Year’s celebration.
That we don’t have to rely on the comfort of so many others deciding to make a change with us, side by side, pushing us along every step of the way – that we might find our own strength within ourselves to make the changes we want to make.
So yes, Happy New Year! And BOOM, BOOM, POW! for the rest of your own personal New Year’s celebrations throughout 2011.
3 thoughts on “Boom, Boom, Pow!”
I like the message, Juan. I am definitely seizing the momentum and hopefully I can “bottle” some of it to carry me through the year. I don’t know, there’s something magical about the date that motivates me, so I’m just gonna go with the flow 😉
Wishing you and your familia buenas cosas in 2011, hermano.
Every year I make resolutions myself and think they are a good thing in general, but just think that spirit of change should be good everyday.
Boom, Boom, Pow…Tracy!!!
Happy New Year to you & yours Juan. So glad to see you back! I gave up on resolutions a long time ago! :p But I wish you success with yours 🙂