Mango Salsa – Recipe

Mango Salsa
Here in Texas, right around April is when we first start experiencing that unforgiving heat and humidity we’re so famous for. That’s also about the time of year I start making fewer and fewer appearances outside during the day. I am sure it’s obvious by now, but if you don’t know, I really do not like the hot Houston summer days! The one thing I do like about summer, though, are all the fruits and veggies that are in season this time of year! 

For me, all that means is A LOT of good eating. I love salsas and pico de gallos especially. This one is a mango salsa that my sister recently re-introduced me to. It’s sweet, tangy and spicy all at the same time. Oh, so heavenly! And I can eat an entire batch in one sitting. That wouldn’t be so bad considering the salsa itself is pretty healthy. It’s all the tortilla chips that have me feeling guilty later. Nonetheless, I wanted to share my recipe here with you today.  

What you’ll need:

– A bowl to mix your chopped veggies and fruit
– A sharp knife
– A cutting board
– One mango
– One tomato
– One onion (yellow or purple will work)
– One jalapeño chile or Serrano chile
– Cilantro
– Lemon (I prefer lemon rather than limes)
– Salt to your tasting


– Chop you veggies and fruit to size for the texture of your liking
(Here I want to quickly add that I use a device almost like the “slap chop” to get smaller, more thinly diced portions) 
– Pour all your chopped veggies and fruit into the bowl
– Mix them together
– Squeeze lemon over your salsa to your taste
– Add salt also to your taste
– And ENJOY! 

What I like: 

I prefer thinner cuts with the tomato and onion and larger chunks with the mango, cilantro and chile. It’s easier to remove the chile later if the salsa turns out too hot. I hope you give this recipe a try and let me know what you think.

Mango Salsa

Mango Salsa

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