Mexi-Vocabulario: ¡Bañársela!

singing in the shower bañársela te la bañáste mexi vocabulario juanofwords
¡Te la bañáste compadre, jajaja!

¡Te la bañáste!

¡Nombre, ya ni la amuelas! 

¡No te la acabas!

All variations of the single act of bañársela, or perhaps more comprehensible, as the act of overstepping one’s boundaries, be they self-imposed or otherwise.  In non-mexicano or straight up Spanish, you might assume this Mexi-Vocabulario term might have something to do with taking a shower… or a bath.  You’d be wrong!  Instead, to bañársela has everything to do with being inappropriate and/or even to some degree, kind of immoral.  Por lo menos, according to the definition in Spanish:  exceder los límites de la moral y de las buenas costumbres preestablecidos.

In English, to exceed moral limits and pre-established norms of good manners.

Uyy, kind of heavy verdad?

The most immediate example that comes to mind – and don’t judge me folks – is Teresa from The Real Housewives of New Jersey.  I have been faithfully watching every single episode of these shows on YouTube, LOL!  We don’t have cable at home remember.  Pero, pues… in my book she’s the epitome of inappropriate.

I can almost hear Doña Lucha yelling at the television: ¡Nombre, mijita te la bañáste! 

What’s your interpretation of this palabra?

I’m always on the hunt for new mexi-vocabulario.
What other words would you like me to include in the mexi-vocabulario?  If you have one that you would recommend please share it with me here.

Writer’s Disclaimer: When I say mexi-vocabulario I don’t necessarily mean these words are exclusively Mexican, or only used by Mexicans.  This is simply an expression of how they were introduced to me in our Mexican Spanish.

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