Good friends come to the rescue

Last night we finally went to sleep around 3 in the morning. About 12 hours earlier in the day we had first noticed that our website was acting weird. It was showing up on some browsers and not on others. And after about five minutes, no matter what computer or browser we were on, it would go almost completely blank except for a single line at the top.

We contacted our web hosting company immediately and after about two hours of going back an forth, making changes on the back end, and getting pretty frustrated, we finally broke down and decided we needed to ask for real help. Thousands of miles away, by the time we woke up a couple of hours later, our friends at ArchipiƩlago were already hard at work making the necessary changes to get us back in business.

They didĀ just that in record time, and we were SO very grateful! It’s crazy to think that through this medium we have had the great fortune of connecting with so many awesome people all over the country. And even more humbling to know that we can call on some of this great genteĀ at any given moment and they will respond. We met Sal and Alcides through our social media networking over the years and they were our heroes today. We can’t think of a better way to say thank you than by telling you about how awesome they are!

Check them out if you’re hosting anything online, and even if you’re not, they are great people to know for sure!


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