Two years ago I did honestly think this blogging thing was behind me. There were a lot of things happening in my life and none of them seemed to be perfectly aligned. Never mind the fact that a global pandemic had just stared wreaking havoc on all of our lives. At varying degrees wherever we were stationed in life at that given moment.
Back then I couldn’t have imagined the series of events that would unfold in the next 32 months.
This morning it struck me that a lot of the parts of my life that had been misaligned in one way or another, they are now making a lot more sense to me – together and on their own. My two businesses are now one. My family is settling into our bi-state living situation. The team I am building across states and countries is getting into a very nice rhythm of working together, and I’m feeling a lot more at peace. For all of this I am very grateful.
My purpose in coming back now is just that – to do it with purpose.

There’s no denying that part of the reason for everything we have been able to accomplish in the last 12 years is social media and the digital age. A large part of it actually. Through this website and our social media accounts we literally were able to start from zero building a WordPress site for the very first time using YouTube and Google to figure out how to do it, a panzazos. Then came networking online and eventually offline, stumbling our way through it over the years… and into opportunities. Trying to do our best to make the most of each new thing we tried our hands on along the way – and studying and researching as much as we could to get better at whatever it was. Linking up with mentors any time we could too. To the point where we finally worked up the nerve and the courage to take the plunge into entrepreneurship.
Doing things the way we did was the catalyst that allowed us to gain access to a lot of places and spaces we might not have gained access to otherwise. That is clear to me today. And it is the motivation for everything we are doing now.
Why? Because if it worked for us there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t work for others as well! Why shouldn’t we all have access to bigger and better opportunities?
I passionately believe that we all deserve access and opportunity regardless of where we are or where our journey began. And in this, I guess you could say, full circle moment I am fully committed to helping others achieve access as well. That’s the purpose of our businesses and our purpose as well. To help elevate diverse voices anytime we can.
Let’s do it together.
Are you in? Will you join us?