For those of you who missed out, or didn’t know in time, last weekend Blog Elevated happened!  A conference dedicated to boosting and upgrading your website, Blog Elevated took place right here in my backyard.  There were a lot of new people to meet, as well as lots of old friends to reunite and catch up with.  As you know, I live and breath Texas, and as a true and through Tejana I could not  miss out on the this conference.  With Houston as my playground, it was a match made in… well, right here in Texas!
From the moment we walked into the exhibitors hall and made our way to the registration table we were greeted with smiles. Â Familiar faces started to take shape from online avatars and it was all uphill from there. Â Speakers and panelists did not hold back from sharing any of their great knowledge and learnings with all of us in the crowd. Â Even my husband, who did not attend the conference, has been able to apply some of the take aways I came back with since then.

Rain did not darken the mood or stop the crowd from enjoying lunch at the hosting venue, CityCentre. Â And it was raining cats and dogs! Â Before dinner I was even able to do a little thrift store browsing nearby. Â My sister and I were in great company for the evening festivities. Â It was a hold-your-stomach wipe-away-your-tears kind of night.
I laughed so hard!

To Lisa, Bobbie and Kristi, you ladies are amazing! Â The speakers were phenomenal. Â Congratulations!
To Ilene and Amanda from BlogathonATX, thank you for sharing a table with us. Â You ladies are hysterical!
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