My earliest memories of the lovely and ageless Sofia Vergara are of her strutting around acting crazy on Fuera de Serie, on Spanish-language television. I was tween in those days and she looked exactly as caliente as she does today. Exactly! Who would have thought that almost two decades later she would be America’s new “It” girl? I don’t even think she could have ever imagined so much success for herself.
Since her breakout role in ABC’s Modern Family, however, the colombiana has been on everything from Tyler Perry’s Madea movies to Cover Girl commercials all over the tube these days.
She’s made her comedic timing and that lovely accent her celebrity stamp, and I for one am bien orgulloso of what she’s done for people with accents from all over the world. What inspires me the most about Vergara is that she’s taken something that a lot of us see as an obstacle and made it into something that is now the main reason so many people have fallen in love with her, both as an actress and as a person. ¡Bien hecho, Sofia! These are a few of my favorite Vergara clips from the web:
7 thoughts on “Kudos to Sofia Vergara for Making Accents So Cool!”
Ay compadre! No cabe duda de que great minds think alike. I posted the same video of Sofia Vergara on my blog today. 🙂
I remember watching her on Lente Loco too. It always makes me proud to see a Latina whom I’ve watched for years, make it big in Hollywood. Ahorita todos estan locos por Sofia. 🙂
Hey Leslie, that is too awesome 🙂 Nos pusimos de acuerdo comadre, jajaja!
I couldn’t agree more Juan…. I personally think that the media has a ton of power and having her as a role model of all things *accents (ha!) makes it cool to have an accent and makes it okay!
To tell you the truth a while back I thought someone should write a blog post on this because its the truth she makes it okay to have an accent and let’s me honest makes it hot! haahha
Thanks, Milton… it’s true! Sofia is really a star and has really always been the same way she is today. I’ve never found her to be putting on an act, and I think what she has achieved is to make at the very least accents more acceptable 🙂
Is she really making accents cool or just
Propagating stereotypes? It seems to me like she’s playing the Hispanic version of a “dumb blonde” …
@Wondering She’s not playing a dumb brunette. She outsmarts her smart husband. She is however, playing into the stereotype of the ‘hot tamale’.
Maybe she’s making the most of the opportunities she has been given. I would imagine it’s extremely hard to get another role when you have an accent like hers, no sé??