Juan of Words

We’ll see you in Galveston – Blog Elevated!

Last year in September I had the chance to attend Blog Elevated in Houston for the very first time. Juan was in New York then at another conference and was not able to attend with me. Coincidentally they were both about the same thing. Social media and blogging. Afterwards, like buenos metiches of course, we compared notes.  And as you might imagine – LOL! Especially if you’re from Texas – the final verdict for us was that things are definitely done bigger and better in Texas.

Alright, alright, so I may be a little biased here. The truth is having attended several major blogging conferences now myself, I was really starting to get to the point where I was struggling to justify going again to the same conference event as the year before. I mean, of course it was always great content, and we love networking with others in the same field in person because there’s just something special about meeting every year, once a year to catch up, learn together, and just act silly. The acting silly part is the part of attending conferences we definitely have down. We’re always the ones walking around with the goofy smiles, pelandole la mazorca a todos (that basically means grinning from ear to ear uncontrollably).

But at the end of it all sometimes it felt like the biggest gain for us was always the networking. That seemed to be the biggest benefit of attending these things. And hey, maybe that’s the point. We’re surely not the experts here.

Last year, though, at Blog Elevated I felt like I was learning so much so fast that there wasn’t enough time or active brainpower within me to take it all in. I’m still using what I learned then today. To be quite honest, this was kind of shocking. It was the first time the conference had ever taken place. It was held here in Houston where the founders (my friends Bobbie and Lisa) are from, and it was a relatively intimate affair. Still, even when Juan and I were texting from each other’s respective conferences, we both knew then Blog Elevated was going to be huge!

This year, we were pretty excited when we were both personally invited to serve as mentors during the 2014 Blog Elevated Conference. Blog Elevated 2014 is taking place in Galveston, Texas from September 25 to 27 this year. If you’re familiar with the region, the event will take place at Moody Gardens, in fact. And if you’re curious about what you might learn at the conference, there will be three main tracks: Business of Blogging; Social Media; and Creative.

In a nutshell, being a mentor means being available to answer questions or offer support throughout the conference. We’re kind of really excited that we were asked to be mentors. We don’t have all the answers, but you can rest assured we’re going to try our best to find them for you.

I could go on and on. Let’s just say I highly recommend attending Blog Elevated to anyone serious about turning their blog into a business. That’s another thing about the conference, they bring la creme de la creme in terms of speakers, to share their expertise. In fact, I so highly recommend it that if you click the link below you can purchase your tickets right here, right now. Hope to see you there!

Have questions about Blog Elevated 2014? Let us know and we’ll work on getting you the right answers.


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