Juan of Words

Popular Positive Mexican Sayings

Popular Positive Mexican Sayings

People always suggest “have a great spring break.” This year, I think we really tried. Over the last eight days we tried to make the most of our time together. We didn’t go anywhere fancy. We didn’t do anything outrageous. We simply made an effort to do the things we rarely get to do these days because of our busy day-to-day routine. You know, just be family. Laugh. Act silly together. Make memories.

And that got me thinking; sometimes we take life entirely too serious.

It also made me remember a few popular Mexican sayings that I think lend perspective to the everyday little problems we all face. Next time you’re having a rough day, stop and remind yourself of the things that really matter in your own life.

And yes, we did have a great spring break!

No soy monedita de oro pa’ caerles bien a todos.

A la mejor cocinera se le queman los frijoles.

Ay, reata, no te revientes que es el último jalón.

El comal le dijo a la olla, mira qué tiznado estás.

A falta de pan, tortillas.

El que no conoce a dios a cualquier barbón se le hinca. 

El valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere. 

Para que tanto brinco estando el suelo tan parejo.

Sólo quien carga el costal sabe lo que lleva adentro. 

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