Today I’m thinking dichos. That’s just the way my mind works. Este año como que desde el principio 2013 has decided to give me a run for my money. As someone who has always loved to write, and about myself at that, it’s not often that I can sit in front of my computer and just not want to write anything personal at all. I usually have a tendency to reveal too much in my writing. That’s not the case in person when you meet me. In person I am much more agarrado with what I reveal about myself and to who. There’s something about looking someone in the eyes and talking about myself that makes it that much more intimate. That much more intimidating.
Let’s just say it takes a minute, or several hundreds of them, for me to warm up to people.
So anyway, este año has already been good… and not so good in other ways. It’s keeping me on my toes (in more ways than one) to say the least. Whenever that happens I just start thinking about or researching dichos and refranes to give me inspiration, or just to make me laugh.
I’m sharing a couple of the ones that have put a smile on my face below:
- Ahora es cuando chile verde, le haz de dar sabor al caldo
- Buscas al burro y estás montado en él
- El peor puerco siempre se lleva la mejor mazorca
- El que es buen gallo, donde quiera canta
- El que nace pa´ tamal del cielo le caen las hojas
- Guajolote que se sale del corral, termina en mole
- Mientras más conozco a la gente, más quiero a mi perro
- Para pendejo no se estudia
- ¡Atáscate ahora que hay lodo!
- Esas pulgas no brincan en tu petate
Tell me your not smiling de oreja a oreja!
Now as Walter Mercado would say “paz, dinero y mucho, mucho amor.”
¡Un abrazote les mando!
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