Juan of Words

Cuando Apenas Era Un Jovencito…

ramon ayala cuando apenas era un jovencito juanofwords
Mr. Ramon Ayala

If you’re anything like me or you’ve had half the week I’ve had this week you probably could use a little laughter and music in your life right about ahorita!  I’ve been all over the place, blogging so randomly you’re probably like “¿y este loco qué tiene?  did he get a life or something?”  Well sadly, or not so sadly, however you want to see that, the answer is no.  I’ve just been going through a couple of hiccups in life, shall we say.

Originally my plan was to do a whole hoopla around Valentine’s Day, pero bueno as that bumper sticker used to say “s…t happens!”

I did, however, want to at least share some very savvy advice from Mr. Ramon Ayala.  Well, his mother I guess…. Well, whatever the case, you have to admit there is a lot of truth to this cancioncita.  How many of your madrecita’s ever recited this same advice to you once upon a time?

Next week will be better.  I hope it will be anyway.  Have a great finde!

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