Juan of Words

Foto Of The Day Challenge – #AugustFotoOfTheDay

Por  mia culpa I had not been able to post the August Foto Of The Day Challenge until now, but this list is brought to you by no other than the great twitter user @mexicanwoman – who just so happens to be a reader here and a personal friend.  I have to say her list is a lot better than any of mine.  So let’s catch up or just start with today with our new list!

Thanks @mexicanwoman

Day 1 Cheese!
Day 2 Una Mejicana!
Day 3 Un Mejicano!
Day 4 A friend’s tatuaje
Day 5 Your favorite Loteria card or make one up!
Day 6 Fluffy
Day 7 Un montón
Day 8 Raspa, Nieve o Licuado?
Day 9 Plata
Day 10 Oro
Day 11 Unos cuantos tragos
Day 12 Pajarito, pajarito, pajarito!
Day 13 What I day dream about
Day 14 Corazon de Melon
Day 15 Heat
Day 16 Connection
Day 17 Serenity
Day 18 Heads or Tails?
Day 19 Cruz
Day 20 I, eye, or Ay!
Day 21 ¿Cuantos quieres?
Day 22 Water Day
23 Oh my gatos!
Day 24 I can do this for hours
Day 25 Puro party!
Day 26 Virgencita
Day 27 Back to La Escuela
Day 28 My favorite color
Day 29 Something that starts with the letter G
Day 30 Fall is coming
Day 31 Mi media naranja

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