Juan of Words

Photo a Day Challenge for Latinos: #JuneFotoOfTheDay

photo a day challenge for latinos #junefotooftheday

So I thought it would be fun to do a very personalized Photo of the Day Challenge for myself this month since I have been wanting to participate in one of these forever.  My thinking here was why not just come up with a list of the things I’d want to share with you about myself anyway… and that I think would be kind of interesting to find out about you too.  Inevitably, my list ended up being very Latino-centric y por eso I’ve decided to call it the Photo a Day Challenge for Latinos, LOL!  That’s easy enough to remember no?  I’ll be using the hashtag #JuneFotoOfTheDay for this challenge, and humildemente invite you to do the same, if you are so inclined.  Post wherever you want.  Whatever social media platforms you like, and invite as many people as you want to do the same.  Just please add the hashtag #JuneFotoOfTheDay when you post porfis!  The point, after all, is to just have fun with this challenge together 🙂

Photo a Day Challenge for Latinos – June 2012

  1. Hola my name is… (self picture)
  2. ¡Sábado Gigante! (what makes your Saturday feel ‘Gigante’ – fun)
  3. Siempre en Dómingo (something you always do on Sundays)
  4. My Family/Mi Familia
  5. ¡Ya Levantate! (what wakes you up every morning)
  6. Lonche (what’s for lunch?)
  7. Favorite spot in your casita
  8. ¡Mis Chimpayates! – My Children! (human or not)
  9. I’m LOCO about (what are you crazy about right now?)
  10. Favorite Summer Snack
  11. De Cólores (show us some color)
  12. Una docena de/A dozen of… (anything you like)
  13. Watchamacallit? (what’s the weirdest/strangest thing you own?)
  14. Mi Bandera/Mi Flag
  15. ¡Pipirisnais! (what makes you feel all fancy?)
  16. Shake your bon-bon! Dance!
  17. Mí Pá – My Dad
  18. Latino Pride
  19. My ride (your car, your carcacha)
  20. Essentials for the summer months
  21. ¡Orale! ¡Wepa! or ¡Ajua! (what makes you say any of these?)
  22. ¡Sazón! (first thing that comes to mind when you hear this word)
  23. Siesta (nap time)
  24. Fiesta! (in honor of my birthday)
  25. Corazón (who owns your heart?)
  26. Mis Chanclas
  27. Tus Ojos/Your Eyes
  28. Where am I? (show us)
  29. Tacos, Tacones or Tortas (show us one of the three)
  30. “You ‘member?” (what do you remember?)
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