Juan of Words

What’s So Hot About William Levy?

This question has been on my mind for quite some time now.  Dondequiera que voy, it never fails, almost all women seem to agree on this one point.  “William Levy is so hot!”  Never mind that y’all can’t agree on a single hair care product or an item of makeup, a single pair of shoes or a purse, mucho menosni se diga sobre personal style and fashion.  Nope!   The one thing so many of y’all can agree on is just how attractive Cuban born heartthrob William Levy is.

Seriously?!  Were there ever any doubts?!

what's so hot about william levy
Mr. William Levy

From teenage girls to señoras ya grandes, hechas y derechas as my mother would say, Mr. Levy makes so many of y’all want to do wild and crazy things.  ¡Se me alocan eh, jajaja!  But it’s okay… las entiendo.  I mean who’s the one traveling thousands of miles just for the possibility of running into La Jenny from the Block at the Latin Billboard Awards this week?

Yup, that would be me.

Still, what does Mr. William Levy really have that the rest of us don’t?!

Sure there’s the chiseled chest and the muscular arms, even the full six pack instead of a barril.  I’ll give you all of that, but what else?  Okay, okay!  Los ojos claros.  The perfect bone structure.  A very symmetrical face.  By definition, almost the perfect man.  Hasta he can dance now according to the stellar reviews he’s been getting on ‘Dancing With The Stars‘… y toda la cosa.  Oh yeah, and who could forget those now infamous pictures of William in chones that are barely even there!  ¡A quién se le ocurre!  My poor little ojitos are still in shock from that affront.

And while that’s all nice and swell, if you take all that away from him isn’t he just another average Joe like the rest of us?  I mean, ¡yo me puedo poner esos chones también! Don’t tempt me people!

It might not be a prettiest sight you’ve ever seen, pero les aseguro my pictures in them will certainly turn more than a few heads.  Very likely not for the same reasons.

So… my abdomen area is not as much a six pack as it is a keg, full and robust most of the time, soft and comfy también… but just right for those moments when you want to cuddle up nice and snug next to the one you love.  My arms, while not muscular and chiseled in comparison to Mr. Levy’s can desde luego wrap around my wife for spooning, LOL!… as I’m sure your hombre’s can too.  Then there’s the question of the colored eyes and symmetrical face.  Mine are brown and my face is a little twisted with frustration… my hair everyday is more canoso, I can’t see without my glasses, and I’ve been told my eyes and lips are a little bit too exaggeratedly large.  But you know what, I’m okay with all of that!

Cómo dice el dicho, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”  As long as Anjelica’s not complaining, it’s all good.  She can have her William.  I can have my JLO.  And all can continue to go right in the world.  Ya ven, William Levy ain’t got nothing on me!

Now go ogle your husbands, boyfriends, parejas, significant others… whatever you want to call them!

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